Commander Corner Guide Service is located in Southwest Ashley County, less than a mile from the Louisiana state line. It has been a family owned entity since the late 1800s. Over the years, this location has been regarded as some of the finest farming and waterfowl hunting land in Wilmot, AR alluvial flood plains. The privately owned and hunted farm land lies between Overflow National Wildlife Refuge and the Louisiana state line. Overflow National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1980 to protect one of the remaining bottomland hardwood forests considered vital for maintaining mallard, wood duck, and other waterfowl populations in the Mississippi Flyway.
This 13,000 acre plus wetland complex consists of seasonally flooded bottomland hardwood forests, impoundments, and croplands. During the winter, a 4,000 acre green tree reservoir is created when the bottomland hardwood forests are allowed to flood. This seasonally flooded area provides a haven for mallards, wood ducks, and other waterfowl species. The importance of this refuge is that it ensured the waterfowl future for the region and in so doing has established Commander's Corner as one of the finest shooting locations due to its proximity. Commander Corner Guide Service is merely less than a mile from the refuge which means as the birds pile out of the refuge at first light the first flooded grain fields they will find is our private honey hole!
Let us know your hunting preferences. We’ll offer you proper guidance and the required amenities to make your trip thrilling. We are insured for your protection. Call us now.